Welcome to yegherbalist.ca!

…And, we’re live!

yegherbalist.ca is up and running and I’m pretty tickled pink about it.

Or should I say tickled green???

The website has been in the works for what seems like a long time (in my head, anyway) and I am over the moon to see that it’s actually here. Like other people can visit it and find me on the interweb in all my herbal geeky glory. Like you are right now. 🙂

When we set goals for ourself, it often seems that something else jumps ahead in the queue in terms of importance. We all have such long to-do lists these days, don’t we? The world is speeding up–or at least our perception or experience of time is. Spending time with the plants slows us down. Ground us. Pulls us out of our monkey-mind chatter with our thoughts in a million places and back down into our bodies. We can smell, touch, taste, listen, and *feel* them. Plants plain make us feel better.

My partner is an ex (or should I say reformed?) programmer but it seems like this website project turned into the proverbial “plumber’s house”. (But wait– my partner is a plumber & I’m happy to report all is thumbs up in that department–no leaky taps in this house!!) He is also unfailingly positive & exceptionally supportive as a herbalist husband. (No one else would put up with the apothecary clutter involving various stages of clean & empty jars and bottles in our mini kitchen & random crunchy dried things hanging or strewn over any available surface.) And once we actually sat down together and tackled it on a rainy June morning, it was done in a matter of hours and all came together pretty easily. Collaboration works, I tell you!

I also think the plants were on my side, coaxing it into life. Just a theory.

I am an obsessive plant photographer, whether it’s with my iphone or my DSLR (I’ll snap whatever I can, whenever I can) and I’m so pleased that my images now have a home here. It validates my obsession. Now I NEED to take more photos. Lol.

This website is dedicated to my love of and my work with plants & plant medicine and how I can share that with you, whether it’s through photos, stories, or herb walks. It’s a cumulation (and yet also a beginning) of my 20 + year journey with plants and my 15 year journey with plant medicine.

Stay tuned for monthly blog posts on health, the body/mind, featured herbs, herb gardening, and how we can connect through upcoming workshops and plant walks.

I am so glad you are joining me on this journey.


Green Blessings,


YEG Community Herbalist

Sunflowers in Herb Garden 2015



    1. Thank you beautiful Sandy!! If ever you are out in Edmonton, you must come over and have tea in my garden. <3 <3

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