Edmonton Herb Club


The idea for the Edmonton Herb Club came out of some Herbal brainstorming while winter hibernating on how to build more community within my community.

What I love is teaching & connecting one-on-one with people, and in that vein have decided to be more active in hosting more regular & smaller events dedicated to all things green. We are talking medicinal & culinary herbs, herb gardening, & my beloved herbal medicine. (Herb Club=working title! lol.)

I hear from so many people all the time who are interested in learning more local plants, wanting to learn how to grow or gather herbs or make home remedies for their family.

When I listen closer what I am really hearing is that we want to get back to out roots & reclaim something we’ve lost. The plants are calling us back.

The aim of this group is to connect with the folks in & around Edmonton who are interested in learning more about local & cultivated medicinal plants, doing guided plant walks & learning herbal remedies.

I am aiming to host gatherings & events on more regular basis in a way that is accessible to more people as well as be a community resource where I can. If you are interested in joining my community, connect with me on Facebook here!

Watch this space for some fun & unique community events open to all–whether you are a total newbie or a regular herbal dabbler that wants to play & connect more regularly with other plant geeks.

Green Love,

Dionne, your YEG Community Herbalist